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Attack on the Website toldot.ru

The editors of the website toldot.ru extend their apologies to all our readers and listeners for the technical difficulties in the operation of the website in the past few days.

Attack on the Website toldot.ru


The editors of the website toldot.ru extend their apologies to all our readers and listeners for the technical difficulties in the operation of the website in the past few days.


The difficulties in operating the website seem to have occurred due to either of two possible causes.


In the end of last week, we advertised in our newsletter the new lecture of Rav Asher Kushnir "The Solution to the Riddle of Life" which had been impatiently awaited by the internet listeners. Everybody proceeded to download it, and our hosting was unable to keep up with the "traffic". The other possible reason is an attack on our website by some virus program.


We hope that these problems will be solved within the next few hours.


We would like to take the opportunity to wish all of you a good New Year 5768 and remind you that this year will be a SHMITTA year, i.e. the seventh year. 


Kesiva ve'chasima tova!

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