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Rav Zilber is Gone...

A short eulogy.

Today, erev Tisha BeAv, on the eve of the most tragic day in all the Jewish history, Rav Yitzchok Zilber passed away…


All his life was dedicated to serving G-d and keeping His Torah.


Thousands of people throughout the world consider him their teacher.


It is impossible to count all of the good deeds that he did.


He was and will always remain an example of Virtue, Courage, Kindness, and Truth for all of the Jewish people.


His funeral is to begin at 11pm today, 9th of Av (26th of July, 2004), from the Ezras Torah synagogue in the Sanhedriah HaMurchevet neighborhood in Jerusalem.


Rav Yitzchok used to say that until the Third Temple is built the Jews in every generation cry as if the Temple was destroyed before their own eyes.


So we cry.


He is gone.

At the  funeral.

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