The Best Remembrance of Your Loved Ones
Strengthening Judaism — Fulfilling a Mitzvah
Building a synagogue
For ages, all synagogues have been built from Jews' donations. A large part of these donations are made in the merit of deceased relatives. Many hundreds of people are learning at our classes and chavrusos in Jerusalem, and we want to unite these people under "one roof" - by erecting a building that will be the center of spiritual life for the thousands of Russian-speaking Jews in Israel.
According to tradition, even after a person's passing we can help his soul achieve greater heights. One of the methods is to learn Torah for the elevation of his soul. A person who is unable to do this can give tzedkah for those who study Mishnah.
Perpetuate the memory on the pages of our website
Such a plate (see left) can be placed virtually on any page with an article, audio or video class, on our website, dedicating this material to the memory of a relative.
Simply help People
Give Tzedakah